
Initial Trauma Care Tactics

for Mass Casualty Surge Events

The Surge Readiness course is presented by the R5TRAUMA Instructional team in conjunction with the Region H and Region F Healthcare Preparedness Coalitions.


Surge Readiness: Initial Trauma Care Tactics for Mass Casualty Surge Events is a 4-hour course designed to better prepare participating hospitals and their response partners with the tactics needed to effectively manage the initial moments of a no-notice Mass Casualty Incident.


The course is meant to be multidisciplinary and appropriate for anyone potentially involved in a SURGE event.


  • Provided a brief historical overview of mass casualty surge events
  • Identify the initial management priorities of a mass casualty surge event
  • Review and evaluate disaster triage algorithms and disaster treatment principles
  • Describe the treatment interventions performed during mass casualty triage
  • Describe the treatment interventions performed during the M-A-R-C-H assessment
  • Practice life-saving interventions to be performed during the surge management
  • Discuss facility-specific resources and considerations associated with the preparation for a surge event